Monday, May 24, 2010

I Still Need Him.

Glory to God.

He's good. But dang, this past week was crazy.

In these past seven days, God has reminded me of my powerful insecurities, My weak confidence, and of my vulnerable and confused emotions. I've struggled with these things for so many years-- but God's constant, huge work in my life has almost made me feel no longer prey to them.

Well, last week totally shook me up! I guess God used that time to remind me that I am still in constant need of Him- that I, from the inside out, am still completely dependent on His grace and peace for survival-- and always will be. Even after all He has done in my life, I must not forget that without His strong arm supporting me, I would certainly fall, becoming a puddle of wreckage.

God's work in our lives doesn't lead to self-independence, but to a further realization of the need of dependence--strictly on Him.

But, of course, with these reminders of my frailty, has also come reminders of God's strength. Oh how safe I am in His arms!

This past week has simply reminded me that He's not finished with me yet... and THANK GOD, He never will be.

God, take these wounds-- and use them for your glory.. and remove their sting according to YOUR will and YOUR clock. Grant me patience.

You are all I need.-- may I believe it! God, grant me faith.

Dang, this peace is beyond words. :)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Feeling Dry - But Trusting

Feeling a little spiritually dry today. Surely, it is not God who has left me dry. But it is MY heart that wanders from HIS--- and dumbly slides from the the light of His life, grace, joy and peace.

God, may your Spirit flood me with the power of the Gospel. You are SO good.

You have given me more than I could ever have asked for or imagined. May that fuel in me a love for you-- A love that reflects the faithfulness of YOUR love for ME.

God, thank you for not forsaking me- even when my heart sits in dry places.